Foundations for Independence, LLC
Facilitate independence and community integration.
Child learns through peer interactions in typical community activities.
Supports provide opportunities for the child to practice skills learned in other therapeutic and natural environments.
Evidence Based Assessments and Eligibility Screenings
Conducted by Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Trained Clinical Supervisors.
Functional Behavior and Developmental Skills Assessments
A combination of skill assessments, behavior observations, and functional analysis may be utilized to help identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses across domain areas for the development of your child’s intervention program plan.
VB-MAPP: The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Program Placement focuses on assessing language and social skills of children with autism and others who demonstrate language delays.
ABLLS-R: The Basic Language and Leaning Skills Revised is a comprehensive assessment that concentrates on language, social interactions, self-help, academic, and motor skills of children with autism and other developmental delays.
AFLS: The Assessment of Functional Living Skills is a skills tracking system and curriculum guide for skills that are essential for independence.
Vineland-3: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales assesses adaptive behavior of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities.
BASC-3: Behavior Assessment System of Children is a multi-method, multidimensional system to evaluate the behavior and self perceptions of individual sages 2 through 25 years.
FBA: Functional Behavioral Assessment is a variety of assessments used to determine the purpose or function of a problem behavior. Once a function is determined positive strategies are created to reduce the behavior and replace it with an alternative, appropriate behavior.
Home and Center Based ABA Intervention
ABA intervention services are provided at our center, in your home and in the community setting to optimize natural learning opportunities and to promote the generalization of skills learned. The intensity of therapy services provided are based upon your child’s unique needs.
RBT, BCaBA, and BCBA Supervison
As an employee of Foundations For Independence LLC, we will provide you with the required supervision and training to obtain and maintain your credential .
Services provided to improve a child's adaptive skills and discourage problem behavior.
Intervention services are delivered by aqualified therapists utilizing evidence-based treatments based on the need of the client.
Services are provided in the home, community, or clinic.
Interdisciplinary Training
Collaboration and professional instruction between disciplines to best meet the needs of the individual.